Chemo Brain
The Effect of EEG Biofeedback on Reducing Postcancer Cognitive Impairment
Efficacy of EEG Biofeedback in Addressing Cognitive Dysfunction in Cancer Survivors
Working with Extrinsic Constraints; A Clinical Case Study from the Perspective of Bowen family system theory and NeurOptimal®
Observations of Change in One Family || Andrea M. Schara The Learning Space
Community effect when training a family || Penny Hyndman R.N. UR Wellness Neurofeedback Centre
InnerWave Center Outcome Analysis 2013 using NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback
Comprehensice Neurofeedback Training in the context of psychotherapy for transformational change
Brain-Mind Operational Architectonics Imagining: Technical and Methodological Aspects
Global qEEG Changes Associated with Non-frequency & Non-site Specific Neurofeedback Training
A Controlled Study of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback in Tinnitus Patients